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Chanakya - Double Digest- Amar Chitra Ka



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Chanakya - Double Digest- Amar Chitra Katha Comics(圖1)-速報App

"Enjoy full color high-resolution art and story in an intuitive user interface."

iRemedi ETHERMEDIA presents:

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Title: Chanakay And Chandragupta Maurya Double Digest

Publisher: ACK-Media Pvt Ltd

Collection: Amar Chitra Katha

Genre: Illustrated classics

Chanakya - Double Digest- Amar Chitra Katha Comics(圖2)-速報App

Language: English

Screens: 67 Pages, Max,Color

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This double digest includes two stories- Chanakya and Chandragupta Maurya

"A thorough treat in Mythology "

"Enjoy the world of Ancient Indian Classics in comic book format"


Chanakya - Double Digest- Amar Chitra Katha Comics(圖3)-速報App

Chanakya lived about 2300 years ago, in Magadha that is Bihar today. Born in a family of educators, he was an ascetic with a vision. Chanakya's fame rests on his role as the chief advisor to Chandragupta Maurya who overthrew the ruling Nanda dynasty and laid the foundation of the great Mauryan Empire that ruled over much of the Indian subcontinent.

Striving to make Chandragupta's position secure in an unstable and dangerous time, Chanakya championed a policy of realpolitik. He deployed a large network of spies, ensured testing for the king's food and shelter; averted disasters through keen detection like that of ants carrying rice through cracks in flooring. He was not averse to spreading rumors to win over an opponent to the king's side. Behind all this was the burning desire to stir the country's ruler to sweep away the vestiges of Greek rule that remained behind Alexander's invasion and return from India. Chandragupta fulfilled these wishes of Chanakya, who then retired to the forest as a hermit.

Chankya compiled his precepts in the theory and practice of statecraft in a treatise called 'Arthashastra'. Its existence was known only through stray references till 1912 when the manuscript was discovered in South India. Perhaps as much as two millennia older than Machiavelli's 'The Prince', the treatise promotes a similarly pragmatic advise to kings on the art of ruling.

Chandragupta Maurya

Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Maurya Empire. Chandragupta succeeded in bringing together most of the Indian subcontinent. Chandergupta, the first Mauryan king and truly a conqueror, claimed decent from Shakya clan of Kshatriya. Haing defeated the Greek satrap in the Khyber mountains around 303 B.C. was crowned King at Taxila. As a result, Chandragupta is considered the first unifier of India and its first genuine emperor

Published by ACK-Media Pvt Ltd, India. Content Copyright ACK-Media. App copyright iRemedi. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized copying, distributing or exploitation strictly prohibited.

Chanakya - Double Digest- Amar Chitra Katha Comics(圖4)-速報App

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Related Titles:

Samudra Gupta, Ashoka, Harsha, Krishnadeva Raya

Chanakya - Double Digest- Amar Chitra Katha Comics(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad